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Text File | 1994-10-22 | 33.2 KB | 1,208 lines |
- E D D L G G
- E mmmmm aaa cccc ssss D D L G
- EEEE m m m a c s D D L G GGG
- E m m m aaaa c ssss D D L G G
- E m m m a a c s D D L G G
- EEEEE m m aaaa cccc ssss DDDD LLLLL GGGG
- An Emacs-based Message Editor for DLG
- Version 1.6 - 21-Oct-1994
- Alan Bland Quarter Note
- 442 Seven Hills Drive Fidonet 1:104/121
- Boulder, CO 80302 (303)939-9923
- EmacsDLG is based on MicroEMACS 3.11 (C)Copyright 1988,
- 1989, 1990, 1991 by Daniel M. Lawrence. EmacsDLG extensions
- to MicroEmacs are (C)Copyright 1993 by Alan Bland. EmacsDLG
- can be copied and distributed freely for any non-commercial
- purposes. Distributors of public domain software
- collections may redistribute EmacsDLG for media costs only.
- In its unregistered mode, EmacsDLG provides all the
- functions of any good full-screen BBS message editor, and
- you are welcome to use it for as long as you wish without
- feeling obliged to register. Should you choose to register
- EmacsDLG, you will receive a keyfile that will allow you to
- use the extra functions, such as:
- - EmacsFIG, a Gadtools-based program that lets you
- customize many aspects of your EmacsDLG configuration:
- colors, quote header, quote prefix, most text strings.
- You will even be able to install multiple
- configurations so you can run EmacsDLG in several
- different languages! The EmacsFIG program is included
- in this package, but EmacsDLG will not use your
- configuration changes without a keyfile.
- - Interfaces to use an AREXX spelling checker and any
- compatible fortune cookie generator.
- - Individual customization per-user via the EmacsOpts
- external program.
- - Full integration with the Hack & Slash messaging
- system.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 2 -
- See the enclosed REGISTER.TXT registration form for details
- on how to register. If you are the author of a shareware
- program for DLG, I will trade registrations with you.
- Contact me with your proposal.
- My other programs include the popular Wanderer and Al's
- Blackjack Casino CLI doors, the MenuThing menu editing
- assistant for DLG, The YaHoo and HeyMon monitoring programs
- for DLG, and various other teeny BBS utilities. You can
- always file request the latest versions of my programs from
- 1:104/121 by the magic names EMACSDLG, WANDERER, CASINO,
- Once upon a time I ran a Xenolink BBS. Xenolink had a very
- nice full-screen editor called X-Ed, but X-Ed broke during
- one particular revision of Xenolink. X-Ed's author had
- vanished, leaving Xenolink without a functional full-screen
- editor. To remedy this situation, I scrounged the source to
- MicroEmacs and started hacking. About the time I released
- the first version of EmacsXL, X-Ed's author reappeared, so
- Xenolink was fortunate enough to have two great full-screen
- editors. EmacsXL went through four major releases during
- 1992 to become the most stable and popular Xenolink editor.
- Then I switched to DLG (and lived happily ever after?) and
- promptly created EmacsDLG. EmacsDLG will appeal to your
- users who also call Xenolink boards. More importantly, it
- will appeal to users who are familiar with any of the Emacs
- editors available on nearly every computer platform.
- To install EmacsDLG on your system for the first time,
- perform the following steps:
- a. Copy the EmacsDLG and EmacsFIG executables into your
- DLG: directory (or anywhere else you wish).
- b. Copy the EmacsDLG.HLP and EmacsOpts files into your
- DLGconfig:Misc directory.
- c. If you are registered, copy your personalized
- EmacsDLG.KEY file into your DLGconfig:Misc directory.
- Then run EmacsFIG from that directory to perform any
- customization you wish and SAVE the results.
- d. Install the reqtools.library into your LIBS:
- directory. You probably already have reqtools.library
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 3 -
- from some other utility that you use. If you don't
- already have it, you should be able to obtain it from
- any Amiga BBS, or you can file request it from
- 1:104/121 by the magic name REQTOOLS. The
- reqtools.library is used for a file requester for
- local port file operations. If you do not install
- reqtools.library, you will not be able to use the file
- requester.
- e. Create an entry in your DLG Editor menu for EmacsDLG.
- In the description, you should mention that it is an
- Emacs-based editor and that it works for IBM ANSI and
- Amiga ANSI terminals. Here are the settings to use.
- The flag settings are very important to the correct
- operation of EmacsDLG:
- Name: EMACS Full Screen Editor (ANSI IBM or Amiga)
- Call string: DLG:EmacsDLG ~b ~h ~r %uname %port
- CTRL-c breaking: No
- CTRL-d breaking: Yes
- Return/linefeed: Yes
- Echo: No
- Process killing: Yes
- Kill pending: No
- Pass-thru mode: No
- Pausing: No
- Raw mode: Yes
- Timeouts: Yes
- Verbose pause: No
- Line freezing: Yes
- That's all you need to do! EmacsDLG is now ready to be used
- by you and your callers!
- After you have properly installed EmacsDLG, you will see the
- following files. If something does not work properly, check
- to make sure the files are in their proper locations.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 4 -
- _______________________________________________________
- |File Location |
- |______________________________________________________|
- | EmacsDLG DLG: (or elsewhere if you wish) |
- | EmacsFIG DLG: (or anywhere in your PATH) |
- | EmacsDLG.HLP DLGconfig:misc |
- | EmacsOpts DLGconfig:misc |
- |*EmacsDLG.OPT USER:User_Name (created by EmacsOpts) |
- |*EmacsDLG.KEY DLGconfig:misc |
- |*EmacsDLG.CFG DLGconfig:misc (created by EmacsFIG) |
- |______________________________________________________|
- |* Only for registered versions |
- |______________________________________________________|
- If you already have a version of EmacsDLG installed, you
- should make backup copies of the files and then copy the new
- files over the old ones. Registered users will then need to
- perform an upgrade step to convert their EmacsDLG.CFG file
- from the old format to the new format. To perform the
- conversion, simply execute the following commands:
- cd DLGconfig:misc (or wherever you keep EmacsDLG.CFG)
- run EmacsFIG
- --> click on the SAVE gadget
- EmacsFIG will automatically convert the old format
- configuration file to the new format. If you fail to
- perform this step, EmacsDLG will exit with an error message
- when you try to run it.
- You may choose to install multiple EmacsDLG configurations.
- The most likely reason would be to have different setups for
- different languages, but you might also want to use
- different spelling checkers or different fortune cookie
- programs.
- To setup a second EmacsDLG configuration, perform the
- following steps:
- a. Create a directory, say "doors:EmacsToo".
- b. Copy the EmacsDLG.HLP file into the directory, and use
- any text editor to edit it as desired.
- c. Copy the EmacsOpts program into the directory.
- Otherwise the per-user customization command will not
- work.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 5 -
- d. Run EmacsFIG in this directory and save any desired
- changes. NOTE: You must CD to this directory before
- running EmacsFIG!
- e. Add a new editor entry, but use the following call
- string:
- DLG:EmacsDLG ~b ~h ~r %uname %port doors:EmacsToo/
- NOTE: The directory path MUST have a trailing slash or
- colon.
- EmacsDLG will look in the specified directory for its
- configuration files instead of in the default
- DLGconfig:Misc/.
- EmacsDLG has been extensively tested with Terminus 16-color
- ANSI mode using an IBM font. Any terminal package that
- performs similar IBM ANSI emulations should perform just as
- well.
- Several settings in the user's DLG Options menu affect how
- EmacsDLG operates:
- - The ANSI Color setting determines whether EmacsDLG
- displays color or monochrome.
- - EmacsDLG adapts to the users screen width and length.
- - The ANSI Screen Positioning setting determines whether
- EmacsDLG uses the smart insert/delete character
- operations. If Screen Positioning is ON, EmacsDLG uses
- those operations for fast screen updates. If Screen
- Positioning is OFF, EmacsDLG avoids those sequences,
- allowing it to work great with most IBM terminal
- programs.
- Below is a list of recommended settings for several IBM
- terminal programs that have a history of not working well
- with DLG. You will find EmacsDLG works very well when the
- settings are correct.
- - QMODEM: Set QMODEM for ANSI emulation, Keypad emulation
- ON, Numlock ON, and strict color ON. Set DLG for ANSI
- screen positioning OFF.
- - PROCOMM: Set PROCOMM for ANSI-BBS emulation. Set DLG
- for ANSI screen positioning OFF.
- Regular users of MicroEmacs, GNUemacs, EmacsXL, or other
- variants of Emacs will feel quite at home with EmacsDLG.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 6 -
- Many commands have been removed or restricted to prevent
- users from accidentally or otherwise gaining access to files
- on your system. The supplied help file lists the most
- common commands, but other popular Emacs commands also work.
- Registered owners will receive a key that unlocks several
- additional features for your users: per-user customization
- of colors and quote greetings, spelling checker, and more!
- Several additional commands are available to users with
- access level 255. The access level is configurable for
- registered owners. These commands are:
- ^X^I Insert-file
- This command reads a text file from disk and
- inserts it into the message at the cursor. If
- EmacsDLG is run from a local port (i.e. TL0) and
- the reqtools.library is installed, a file
- requester will pop up to let you choose the file
- using the mouse. Otherwise EmacsDLG will prompt
- for the name of the file. In case you prefer
- GNUemacs over MicroEmacs, you may use ^XI rather
- than ^X^I.
- If ^X^I detects a non-ASCII file, it will
- automatically UUENCODE the file. The UUENCODE
- algorithm is built in to EmacsDLG so no external
- program is necessary.
- Your users can use ^X^I to insert a file from
- their private file directory. A typical use would
- be to upload a file to themselves, then use ^X^I
- to mail it to another user.
- ^X^W Write-file
- This command writes the contents of the message
- buffer into a disk file. If EmacsDLG is run from
- a local port (i.e. TL0) and the reqtools.library
- is installed, a file requester will pop up to let
- you choose the file using the mouse. Otherwise
- EmacsDLG will prompt for the name of the file.
- ^X^P Print-file
- This command prints the message buffer to your
- PRT: device. The same access permissions as ^X^W
- Write-file are used for ^X^P Print-file.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 7 -
- The basic unregistered EmacsDLG program does not provide any
- customization options for the sysop. However, the defaults
- are adequate for most BBS installations. If you register
- EmacsDLG, you can use the EmacsFIG Gadtools-based
- configuration program. EmacsFIG will let you select colors,
- language text, quote headers, and many more options.
- Since EmacsFIG uses GadTools as its user interface, you must
- be running Workbench 2.0 or later to use it. No support for
- 1.3 is planned.
- NOTE: EmacsFIG will not load or save unless you have
- registered.
- Run EmacsFIG in the directory you specified on the EmacsDLG
- command line when you installed EmacsDLG. EmacsFIG creates
- a file named EmacsDLG.CFG that contains your customization
- options. Following are descriptions of each of the options
- you may configure.
- This defines the minimum access level for the ^X^I insert-
- file command. Any file on your system can be read using
- this command, so it should be available only to you and
- possibly your co-sysops.
- This defines the minimum access level for the ^X^W write-
- file command. Any file on your system can be written using
- this command, so it should be available only to you and
- possibly your co-sysops.
- When the user presses the TAB key, EmacsDLG inserts spaces
- until the next tab position is reached. By default, the tab
- stops are set to every 8 positions.
- A fortune cookie is a random comment, phrase, or joke that
- can be inserted at the end of your message. If enabled, the
- fortune cookie will appear after your message text but
- before your signature (if any).
- EmacsDLG allows up to twenty different fortune cookie
- commands to be configured. This lets your users choose
- different themes depending on the message area they're
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 8 -
- using, or on their mood. For example, you could setup
- fortunes for Star Trek, Movie Trivia, Famous Quotes, Dead
- Baby Jokes, or whatever.
- Click the "New" gadget to create a new fortune cookie
- command. Enter the command and a brief description of the
- command. The description is what the users see when they
- choose from multiple fortune commands, so say something like
- "Star Trek quotes" as your description.
- Click the "Delete" gadget to delete the currently displayed
- fortune cookie command, and click on "Next" to step through
- all of the commands you have defined.
- To use fortune cookies, you must find a suitable fortune
- cookie command and tell EmacsDLG how to run it. The basic
- requirement is that it must write its message to standard
- output with no ANSI codes. You should keep fortunes limited
- to one or two lines to avoid the wrath of other sysops.
- - Mark Montminy's CRUMBS program is highly recommended.
- It includes options to limit the chosen cookie to a
- certain number of lines, and to provide leading and
- trailing delimiters if you wish. File request COOKIE
- from 1:104/121 to get a copy of CRUMBS.
- - Here's a reasonable setup for CRUMBS that limits
- fortunes to two lines, and puts three dots in front of
- the fortune to make it stand out:
- dlg:utils/crumbs -l 2 -p ...
- - Several databases of fortunes are floating around the
- DLG community, included the typical cookies, Star Trek
- phrases, and obscene fortunes. You may also choose to
- create a database of your own fortunes, so that your
- messages have a more individualized appearance. Mark
- Montminy is one source of fortune cookie databases.
- You can freq FORTUNES from his system, 1:323/119, to
- get a few large databases that work with CRUMBS.
- Enter the fortune cookie command in the appropriate gadget
- in EmacsFIG. Do not use any file redirection. Do not use
- "run" to execute the command. The command should be found
- in your CLI PATH, or you may specify the full path of the
- command.
- The fortune cookie command line may contain any of the
- normal DLG %variables. These will be expanded and passed to
- the fortune program, which may then do further processing.
- This might be used by a combination fortune/signature
- program to include the user's name in the generated fortune.
- Note that this capability is meaningless if your fortune
- cookie program does not use it.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 9 -
- By default, the fortune cookie will NOT be added to
- messages. To get a cookie you must use the ESC-Z (user
- customization) command from within EmacsDLG. Any user who
- wants to use the fortune cookies must do this. They will
- then have a choice of three fortune cookie options:
- - Never append a cookie to messages. This is the
- default.
- - Ask if a cookie should be used when the message is
- saved. In this mode, the chosen cookie will appear in
- the lower EmacsDLG window and you can choose whether or
- not to use it. If you don't like it, more cookies will
- be chosen until you find one you like, or you give up.
- - Always append a cookie to messages. In this mode,
- EmacsDLG will choose a cookie and append it without
- letting you preview the cookie. This only works if you
- have defined exactly one fortune cookie command. If
- you define more than one, EmacsDLG will always ask.
- The user also gets to decide which of the fortune cookie
- topics is to be used as their default. They can specify one
- to use, or they can have EmacsDLG ask them each time they
- save a message.
- Remember, to get a fortune cookie you must configure it in
- the user customization command.
- The ^X^I insert-file and ^X^W write-file commands use a file
- requester. You may specify the directory path to be
- displayed the first time the file requester is used. The
- default is RAM:.
- The ESC ! command can be used to send a broadcast message to
- another port. This is useful if you get a broadcast message
- from another user, and you want to respond without leaving
- the editor. When ESC ! is invoked, EmacsDLG shows a listing
- of who is on-line, so that you can direct your broadcast to
- the correct port. By default, the port listing will show
- TR0, TR1, and TL0.
- Specify the ports you want displayed in the BROADCAST PORTS
- gadget. Type all your ports together as one string with no
- blanks. For example, "TR0TR1TR2TR3TR4".
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 10 -
- EmacsDLG uses an external AREXX spelling checker. If you
- wish EmacsDLG to start the spelling checker program when a
- user first invokes it, specify that command here. Note that
- you will most likely want to use "RUN >NIL: command" so that
- the spelling checker is run in the background. The
- redirection to NIL: is necessary to prevent AmigaDOS from
- writing the "[CLI n]" message to the user's screen.
- You may instead prefer to start the spelling checker in your
- user-startup and leave it running all the time. If you wish
- to do this, enter a ";" semi-colon as the spelling checker
- run command.
- See the SPELLING CHECKER section later in this manual for
- details on how to configure specific spelling checkers. The
- default setup will work with Ispell.
- Enter the name of the AREXX port used by your spelling
- checker. The default setup will work with Ispell.
- Enter the AREXX command used by your spelling checker to
- check a work. The spelling checker must respond in one of
- the following ways:
- - It should send a result code of 1, with a secondary
- result of "ok" or "bad" depending on whether or not the
- word is spelled correctly.
- - It should send a result code of 1 if the word is
- spelled correctly, or a result code of 0 if the word is
- spelled incorrectly.
- Enter the AREXX command that will cause your spelling
- checker program to exit. EmacsDLG will send this command
- when the user exits from EmacsDLG. The default setup works
- with Ispell.
- You may prefer to leave your spelling checker running at all
- times. If you wish to do this, enter a ";" semi-colon as
- the spelling checker exit command.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 11 -
- Many of the text messages displayed by EmacsDLG can be
- customized. The scrolling list contains a short description
- of each text that can be changed. Click on the desired
- description to cause the current value to be displayed in
- the large gadget below the list. Then click on the large
- gadget to change the text as desired.
- Most of the text strings are obvious. Several need more
- explanation, and are described below.
- The "Quote Greeting" is inserted at the top of a quoted
- message. Several special codes are used to allow you to
- customize the contents of the quote greeting. The permitted
- codes are listed below. Please note that the case of each
- code IS important.
- Your users may create their own quote greetings using the
- ESC-Z command (registered systems only). One a user has
- saved their settings with ESC-Z, they get whatever quote
- greeting was in effect at the time they saved it. If you
- change it in EmacsFIG, those users will not get the new
- quote greeting.
- The following codes may be used in the quote greeting:
- %F The full name of the original message author
- (FROM).
- %f The first name of the original message author.
- %T The full name of the original message recipient
- (TO).
- %S The subject or title of the quoted message.
- %q The quote attribution of the original message
- author. This will be either the initials or first
- name, depending on how you have configured the
- quote prefix in EmacsFIG.
- %d The date and time that the quoted message was
- written.
- %N A hard newline is inserted at this point. You
- normally will want to end your quote greeting with
- a hard newline.
- %% A single "%" is inserted at this point.
- Here are some useful examples:
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 12 -
- On %d %F wrote about %S:%N
- Dear %f,%N%NYou recently wrote the following message about
- "%S" to %T:%N
- %F wrote the lines marked "%q" in the following quote:%N
- 6.13 YES/NO TEXT
- The "Input yes" and "Input no" text defines what your user
- will use to answer yes/no questions. Specify the entire
- word. EmacsDLG will recognize the first character as the
- value typed by the user.
- 6.14 COLORS
- Click on the gadget above the color pallete to choose which
- color you want to configure, then select the color from the
- pallete. The preview window shows you what your users will
- see using the standard IBM ANSI color pallete. Depending on
- the terminal program in use, the 8 brighter colors may show
- up as bold text.
- Click on the Border Style gadget to change the way the
- border between Emacs windows is displayed. Choices include
- a reverse bar, ANSI single and double lines, and a variety
- of ASCII characters. Watch the preview window to see the
- results. The Reverse Bar and ASCII character selections an
- be displayed on any terminal, while the The single and
- double line selections require your users to use an IBM ANSI
- character set.
- One of the cycle gadgets lets you choose the style of quoted
- lines. You may select from the author's first name or
- initials, and the initials may be either upper or lower
- case. You may also choose a simple ">" if you would rather
- not clutter your quotes with names or initials.
- The Special Options list allows special customization to be
- done that is not specifically supported by EmacsFIG.
- Normally you will not need to use this list. Watch for
- messages on the DLG support echos for special circumstances
- where the Special Options may be necessary.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 13 -
- There are ten entries in the Special Options list. To add a
- Special Option, click on one of the blank entries in the
- list, then enter the value in the gadget below the list. To
- remove one, click on the entry in the list and then blank it
- out in the gadget below the list. Be very careful when
- entering Special Options. If you misspell an option, you
- may cause EmacsDLG to malfunction.
- NOTE: This is available only in the ESC-Z per-user
- customization command and cannot be set globally using
- EmacsFIG. Actually, there is a way using the SPECIAL
- OPTIONS list, but there really should never be a need to set
- this option globally.
- The special word wrap option causes EmacsDLG to
- automatically turn word wrap OFF whenever it is invoked with
- a normal file. Messages and file descriptions will always
- have word wrap on by default.
- The reason for this option is that some sysops like to use
- EmacsDLG to remotely edit their configuration files. Word
- wrapping must be off when editing those files, else disaster
- may ensue. The only people likely to set this option are
- those sysops and co-sysops who regularly edit configuration
- files remotely.
- Note that when this option is set, word wrapping will be
- turned off when creating a DLG bulletin and when adding a
- comment to a file description. DLG provides no way for
- EmacsDLG to determine that these particular kinds of files
- are being edited. If you turn this option on, you will want
- to use ^XMW to manually turn on word wrapping for those
- kinds of files.
- The default behavior for EmacsDLG is to always have word
- wrapping on.
- EmacsDLG uses AREXX to communicate with an external spelling
- checker. Any spelling checker that supports a compatible
- AREXX interface will work. EmacsDLG has been tested with
- ISpell version 3.3LJR, and RXSpell, an AREXX spelling
- checker used by Xenolink. Both ISpell and RXSpell are
- freely distributable.
- NOTE: The spelling checker works only if EmacsDLG is
- registered.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 14 -
- You can file request a compatible version of ISpell from
- 1:104/121 (14.4K Dual Standard) using the magic name ISPELL
- (approximately 550K bytes). You can also find ISpell on
- amiga.physik.unizh.ch in the os2/util directory as ispell-
- 3.3LJR.lzh.
- You can file request RXSpell from 1:104/121 by the magic
- name RXSPELL (approximately 80K bytes). RXSpell is smaller
- and faster than ISpell, but knows fewer words.
- 7.1 SETUP
- You can setup ISpell in either of two ways. The first way
- will simply cause misspelled words to be flagged, and allows
- the user to enter a replacment. Specify the following
- options in EmacsFIG:
- _____________________________________
- |Spell run run >nil: c:ispell -r |
- |AREXX port IRexxSpell |
- |Spell check quickcheck |
- |Spell exit exit |
- |____________________________________|
- The second way to use ISpell is to have it provide a list of
- suggested replacements for any misspelled word. The user
- can then enter the correct word from the list of
- suggestions, or supply their own word. This is the
- recommended setup. Specify the following options in
- EmacsFIG:
- _____________________________________
- |Spell run run >nil: c:ispell -r |
- |AREXX port IRexxSpell |
- |Spell check check |
- |Spell exit exit |
- |____________________________________|
- To use RXSpell, specify the following options in EmacsFIG:
- _______________________________________________________________
- |Spell run run >nil: doors:spell/rxspell doors:spell/dict. |
- |AREXX port SPELL |
- |Spell check CHECKWORD |
- |Spell exit QUIT |
- |______________________________________________________________|
- IMPORTANT INFORMATION: When you configure the spelling
- checker for the first time, you MUST use EmacsFIG and SAVE
- the result. Even if you use the default values shown in
- EmacsFIG, those defaults will only take effect if you SAVE
- them.
- My tests show that ISpell uses about 700K of RAM, while
- RXSpell only uses 70K of RAM. You may want to consider the
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
- - 15 -
- RAM requirements in choosing which spelling checker to use.
- To run the spelling checker on the current message, press
- ESC-C. EmacsDLG will interactively prompt for each
- misspelled word, asking you for a replacement. If you
- choose to enter a replacement, the new word will be
- substituted for the old one.
- If ISpell has been configured correctly, EmacsDLG will pop
- up a window containing suggested replacments when a
- misspelled word is found.
- EmacsDLG can be invoked by Mark Montminy's Hack & Slash door
- game to edit messages within the game. The unregistered
- version of EmacsDLG will treat such messages as plain files.
- The registered version of EmacsDLG treats Hack & Slash
- messages like regular messages. The Hack & Slash alias of
- the message recipient and subject will appear at the top of
- the screen, and more importantly, the quote commands work
- for quoting replies!
- Please contact me if you are the author of a door program
- and would like to have EmacsDLG integrated with your door.
- The most common problems with EmacsDLG are caused by
- installing the files in the wrong places. Please see the
- INSTALLATION section for a list of file locations. Note
- that you may also specify a directory where all the EmacsDLG
- files will live. If you do it this way, everything except
- the registration key file go in this directory.
- When running EmacsFIG, ALWAYS remember to CD to the
- directory where your EmacsDLG.CFG file lives. Otherwise it
- will create a new one, and since the new one is in the wrong
- directory, EmacsDLG won't find your settings.
- When upgrading to a new version of EmacsDLG, registered
- users should always run EmacsFIG and SAVE the results. This
- guarantees that your EmacsDLG.CFG file is up to date with
- the latest version.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
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- If you get "Spelling checker not installed", you have either
- misspelled the name of the AREXX port for the spelling
- checker, or your EmacsDLG.CFG file is in the wrong
- directory.
- If you get "No response from spelling checker", most likely
- your spelling checker command string is incorrect.
- The spelling checker may return an error number. If the
- number is greater than zero, it is an AREXX error that you
- can look up in your AREXX manual. Negative numbers indicate
- weird internal problems and should be reported to the
- author.
- If you get an empty fortune, it's a bug in CRUMBS. :-)
- If a user has used the ESC-Z command to customize their
- editing environment, all of the customizable options are
- saved. If you later make a global change using EmacsFIG,
- the change will be seen only by users who have not used
- ESC-Z.
- Here's the general sequence of activities when EmacsDLG
- starts up. This may help you in figuring out why something
- is misbehaving. You might try running SnoopDos is something
- is misbehaving.
- 1. Read the user's User.Data file.
- 2. Read the EmacsDLG.CFG file to get the sysop-customized
- options. If unregistered, a set of built-in defaults
- are used instead.
- 3. Read the user's EmacsDLG.opt file to get user-
- customized options. All options specified here
- override the sysop-customized options. If
- unregistered, no user options are available.
- 4. Read in the file to be edited, if any.
- 5. The first time a quote command is used, the quoted
- message is read in and formatted.
- 6. The first time the user requests help, the
- EmacsDLG.HLP file is loaded into memory. Subsequent
- help requests use the in-memory copy.
- The ESC-Z command for registered users works as follows:
- 1. Load the EmacsOpts program, passing to it the options
- that are currently in effect.
- 2. If the user aborts their changes, EmacsOpts exits.
- 3. If the user save their changes, EmacsOpts writes the
- EmacsDLG.OPT file in the user's home directory, and
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994
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- then exits.
- 4. After EmacsOpts exits, EmacsDLG reads the EmacsDLG.OPT
- file to make the new options take effect. If a
- message has already been quoted, the new quoting
- options will not take effect until the next time
- EmacsDLG is run.
- Please post bug reports and feature requests to the DLG_DEV
- echo, or send netmail to me at 1:104/121. Always include
- the EmacsDLG version number you are running, and your
- Kickstart and Workbench version numbers. Requests for new
- features will be treated more seriously from registered
- users.
- See the enclosed REGISTER.TXT file for details on how to
- register for your EmacsDLG extensions.
- EmacsDLG 1.6 21-Oct-1994